



1. begin

  • 例1:To begin with, let’s introduce ourselves.
  • 例2:The movie will begin in five minutes.
  • 例3:I always begin my day with a cup of coffee.
  • 例4:Let’s begin the game!
  • 例5:The ceremony will begin at 9 a.m.


2. start

  • 例1:Let’s start our homework now.
  • 例2:The race will start in ten seconds.
  • 例3:I start my day by exercising.
  • 例4:Start the engine of the car.
  • 例5:The meeting is about to start.


3. commence

  • 例1:The concert will commence at 7 p.m.
  • 例2:We shall commence the project next week.
  • 例3:The ceremony will commence with a speech.
  • 例4:Let the game commence!
  • 例5:The performance is about to commence.


4. initiate

  • 例1:He initiated the conversation by asking a question.
  • 例2:The government plans to initiate new policies.
  • 例3:She initiated the project and assigned tasks to everyone.
  • 例4:The program will initiate a system update.
  • 例5:Let’s initiate the plan right away.


5.kick off

  • 例1:Let’s kick off the party with some music!
  • 例2:The event will kick off with a speech by the mayor.
  • 例3:The team will kick off the game at 3 p.m.
  • 例4:We’ll kick off the meeting with a brief agenda overview.
  • 例5:The concert is about to kick off.

「kick off」は、活気づけるために何かを始めるときに使われます。パーティーの開始、イベントの開始、試合のキックオフ、ミーティングの開始など、エネルギッシュなシーンでよく使われます。

